Family Constellations
Love that flows through generations
Family Constellations is a form of a group therapy…
…that works with so called Family Field or the Ancestral Field. It explores family dynamics and aims at releasing hidden entanglements to the family suffering that are often present within the Field.
We are all born into a family. This comes with its own set of blessings and curses. As much as our families care for us the best way they can, they also transfer onto us their set of values and beliefs together with its strengths and its limitations. Sometimes these limitations create an invisible barrier between ourselves and the life we'd like to live.
Sometimes also there are family secrets that inhibit growth for some family members, causing suffering in many areas of our lives. It can also happen that a member of a particular family was being excluded either through his/hers own actions or through life's circumstances, like emigration, abortion, sudden death or disease.
These are only a few examples of difficulties that can happen within a family. All of these scenarios and many more, will have a strong impact on the whole family system.
This method is particularly effective when dealing with:
Repetitive patterns
Feelings of being ‘stock’
Feelings of not belonging, trouble in finding one’s place
General lack of ‘flow’ in all areas of life
Financial issues
Feelings of being overwhelmed, often described as: ‘Carrying the whole world on one’s shoulders’
Relationship issues
Long therm illness unresponsive to other treatments
Family Constellations is a beautiful practice…
which allows for the harmony to be restored within the family. One’s heart recognizes and connects to the love always present and flowing through the Family Soul, feeding us with strength and supporting us on our journey. Additionally we gain a deeper understanding of family dynamics and of hidden laws that often governs our experience. We are invited to touch a subtle reality that surrounds us and to rediscover and understand it’s workings. From this place we gain a new, deeper understanding of our place within the family system, we release the struggle and we set free to embrace the full potential of our lives, strengthen by love and blessings of our ancestors.
This is a truely transformative experience!
Family Constellations was first formed and practiced by Bert Hellinger - a German psychologist and a priest. It is now being popularized and practiced by many therapists all over the world.