Individual Healing Sessions
In Person & Online
Consciousness Medicine
…is a healing method that combines multiple energy healing, psychotherapy and body work tools including: Chakra balancing, Holistic NLP, Craniosacral Therapy, NVC, Family Constellations and more. It also employs the laws of Quantum Physics for an effective manifestation of desired reality. In simple therms one could say that this method uses the power of human consciousness to create and manifest a reality that is our preferred one. During the course of sessions we work towards building the new, desired state while simultaneously releasing and clearing anything that comes up. The process is gentle and it is client led, which means that the practitioner moves at the client’s pace, nothing is being rushed and we allow the time necessary for integration.
Consciousness Medicine addresses a variety of topics including:
Professional: reaching one’s highest potential, life’s purpose
Repeating patterns that appear in your life
Emotional imbalance: anxiety, low mood, eating disorders
Physical health: chronic disease, complementary to medical treatment
People on various stages of Spiritual Awakening
Drawing from the power of Nature, it’s unlimited resources, building on the love and support of our Ancestors and connecting with the Divine Source this practice aims to balance and strenghten your entire body Matrix - your being on all levels:
Physical, Emotional, Energetical, Ancestral and Spiritual.
and therefore allows for deep healing and leads to lasting change.
Please contact us for more information.
“Your thoughts, if you think them over and over, and assign truth to them, become beliefs. Beliefs create a cognitive lens through which you interpret the events of your world and this lens serves as a selective filter through which you sift the environment for evidence that matches up with what you believe to be true…
Because the brain's selective filtering system, often referred to as priming, works on an activation/inhibition model, when the brain is primed by a certain belief to look for something, it shuts down competing neural networks, so you actually have a hard time seeing evidence to the contrary of an already existing belief.
That’s why people who are depressed see a more depressing world. It’s also why you are so convinced that your view of the world is the ‘truth.’ What most people don’t realize is they are participating in creating their own version of the truth…”