Land Healing & Geomancy
Connect with Land
The physical world is an expression of our Divine Nature.
In every moment we are co - creating this space that we share in flash, thought, energy and Spirit. Weather we are conscious of it or not, there’s a constant communication between us and everything else within the Universe. Becoming aware of this dialogue, connecting and conversing intentionally with the world we reside in, lays at the heart of the Land Healing practice.
Issues that Geaomancy can help with:
Sleep problems
Health problems
Difficulty in gaining ‘flow’ in all areas of your life: weather it is health, relationships or the flow of money
Checking property or land before purchasing
Space clearing
Determining the strongest places on your land and the weaker ones
Dowsing for underground water
Dowsing for geopathic stress, energy lines, lay lines
My training in Geomancy and Land Healing began in 2017
…and I continue my studies to this day. It is an ever unfolding path of developing and maintaining deep connection with the land and its inhabitants. The goal is to optimize your space in a way that it will best benefit you and your family. You will gain better understanding of the energies present within your property and in addition to that I will give you tools to work and connect with them for your mutual benefit, rather than working in opposition to each other. After consultation you will have a complete ‘map’ of energy lines, underground streams and geopatic stress areas, if any, of your entire property. I will also set energetic boundaries along the physical ones and will clear and set intentions within. I will work closely with the client, always keeping in mind his or hers wishes and the desired results they want to achieve.
The land can offer us guidance, direction and support…
…in reaching our goals. Sometimes it calls for necessary changes or bring our attention to a particular issue. In any case a great deal of wisdom and knowledge is gained from this dialogue and it moves us towards greater awareness of the world that we are a part of.
I warmly invite you to take up this conversation.
The Earth is waiting just like a loving Mother for her child to come home.

The cost of an individual consultation will be assessed based on the size of property, issues covered and the travel distance. Please send an email for further details.
Minimum 2 h consultation will start at 250 euro for a space clearing of your property.
Consultations can be carried out both in person and remotely.